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Things Not To Do After Rhinoplasty Surgery

The surgeon will give you information about after rhinoplasty surgery during the ‘nose job examination’ to change the shape of your nose or improve your breathing. The surgeon aims to achieve aesthetic or functional goals by altering the shape, size, or proportions of your nose.

During a nose job in Turkey, a specialized doctor realigns or removes parts of your nose’s cartilage, skin, or bone structure. If you want a fast and smooth recovery after the surgery, it is essential to consult with your surgeon regarding post-rhinoplasty care and what not to do after nose aesthetics.

As Yaman Surgical Medical Center in Istanbul, in this article, we will provide you with information about post-rhinoplasty care and avoiding mistakes after rhinoplasty. In this content, you will find all the details you need to prevent nose job complications and enjoy a quicker recovery.

Avoiding Exhausting Activities

After nose aesthetics, patients should refrain from any physically demanding activities. Below are examples of activities that exert pressure on your body and should be avoided after surgery:

  • Going to the gym
  • Engaging in strenuous exercises
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • High-intensity workouts
  • Participating in any contact sports like basketball
  • Aerobic exercises

For at least two weeks after nose job surgery, you should avoid exerting yourself. Similarly, the splint and cast placed inside your nose should remain dry until they are removed. For this reason, you should refrain from swimming for approximately 4 weeks post-rhinoplasty. You can explore more comprehensive information on this topic by checking sauna after rhinoplasty Reddit comments.

At Yaman Surgical Medical Center, the ENT Clinic Specialist Physician primarily advises you to protect your nasal area from any additional stress during the healing process after nose aesthetics. It is recommended to review rhinoplasty before after photos of the surgeon’s patients for reference.

Sniffling Your Nose

Normally, we feel the urge to sniffle our noses during conditions like the common cold or the flu. However, after a nose job, patients must avoid close contact, regularly wash their hands, and sanitize to prevent illness. In other words, carrying a disinfectant is necessary to kill germs immediately after contact.

The ENT Clinic Specialist Physician in Turkey will strictly prohibit applying pressure to your nose for at least a few weeks after rhinoplasty. Taking preventive measures in your surroundings is essential post-surgery to avoid catching a cold, cough, or the flu.

At Yaman Surgical Medical Center, the ENT Clinic Specialist Physician thoroughly explains the recovery tips for rhinoplasty patients before every surgery.

After Rhinoplasty: Sexual Activity

In the first few weeks following a nose job surgery, it is advisable to limit your sexual activity. This is because you need to be cautious about not applying pressure to the nose post-surgery. In essence, the general rule is to stay away from any activities, including sexual activities, which pose a risk of harming your nose.

However, this caution does not imply that you should be sedentary all day. After surgery, you can engage in light walks within your home or surroundings to prevent the formation of blood clots. We recommend checking our website for rhinoplasty recovery photos day by day for more information.

Wearing Glasses

Among the things you should avoid after rhinoplasty, wearing glasses is also included. If you are someone who needs to use glasses, it is beneficial to arrange for contact lenses before the surgery. As mentioned above, it is important not to apply pressure to your operated nose.

However, glasses, by resting on the nasal bridge, can exert pressure on the nose. This pressure can negatively impact the postoperative healing process of the nose surgery. In short, finding alternatives like contact lenses to avoid using glasses is an important aspect of post-rhinoplasty care.

Avoid Wetting Your Nose in the Shower

To maximize rhinoplasty results with proper care, the surgeon places a cast on the patient’s nasal region and inside the nose during the surgery. This cast must remain dry in the nasal area until the surgeon removes it. While taking a shower, you should avoid wetting the nasal area.

After rhinoplasty, in the initial period, you can wash the rest of your body in the shower. Additionally, after the surgery, you can keep your nose moist by applying saline (ocean) sprays to your nostrils. It is advisable to refrain from wearing makeup, especially for the first month after nose job surgery.

Touching Your Nose

After a nose job, you may be curious about the new shape of your nose and feel tempted to touch, push, or poke it. It is important to refrain from making such movements.

When explaining rhinoplasty post-op instructions to patients, surgeons often address one of the most frequently asked questions: Can I touch my nose after nose aesthetics? The answer is yes, but you should touch it very gently and delicately when necessary.

Can I touch my nose 1 year after rhinoplasty? When the surgery has achieved its purpose and the nasal area has fully healed, the ENT Clinic specialist physician in Turkey will approve for you to touch your nose.

If your nose is subjected to unwanted pushing or poking after rhinoplasty, the cartilage or bone in your nose may be misaligned. This could lead to negative results instead of the positive outcome intended by the surgery.

In short, the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey will advise you to protect your nasal area from any kind of threat, including the desire to touch it. This way, you can safeguard yourself from unwanted complications.

Avoidance of Smoking or Alcohol Consumption

To ensure a successful rhinoplasty outcome, it is necessary to refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption for a certain period. Smoking and alcohol can have negative effects on the healing process of the surgery, essentially delaying the recovery.

As you may know, smoking restricts blood flow. Alcohol, on the other hand, can negatively impact the activities of the medications you may be taking after the surgery.

This situation can lead to problems such as excessive bleeding and infection. Rhinoplasty Turkey aesthetic clinic Istanbul will advise you to stay away from alcohol and cigarettes for at least 3-4 weeks after rhinoplasty.

Exposure to Sunlight

During the healing process after nose aesthetics, it is essential to be mindful of exposure to sunlight. After the surgery, you should rest at home for a while and avoid direct sunlight. The nasal area is sensitive after nose job surgery, and it should fully heal before being exposed to external factors.

Exposure to sunlight after rhinoplasty can lead to unwanted complications. Among these complications, we can cite color changes and infection as examples. To protect your nose from the sun, you can wear a hat and use sunscreen.

Wrapping up: After Rhinoplasty Surgery

The ENT clinic specialist physician at Yaman Surgical Medical Center thoroughly explains to their patients what needs to be done after a nose job. The specialist recommends that patients rest for a few days and get plenty of sleep after the surgery. This helps patients go through the nose job recovery day by day more quickly and comfortably.

In the nose area where the surgeon places the cast and performs the nose aesthetic, there may be some swelling, bruising, and redness. Additionally, mild pain or discomfort, which is inevitable in any surgical procedure, can also be felt during the rhinoplasty process. If any of these symptoms become unbearable, it is crucial to communicate with the surgeon to address concerns.

Rhinoplasty is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, and the rhinoplasty cost in Turkey is relatively affordable. If you follow the post rhinoplasty care instructions provided by the expert doctor like any other patient, there will be nothing to worry about.

Adhering to the things not to do after rhinoplasty surgery instructions is beneficial to eliminate unwanted issues in your nose that affect your quality of life.