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Genital Warts: Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Genital warts, commonly known as Condyloma Acuminatum, are a prevalent occurrence caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Individuals become infected with this virus, leading to warts in the genital area. Sexually active individuals have a high likelihood of encountering this virus.

We observe HPV-associated warts in both men and women. Furthermore, these warts can potentially lead to cervical cancer in women.

HPV affects the moist areas of the genital region. Warts that form in these areas can be as small as barely visible. Additionally, in the reproductive organs, warts may appear as raised bumps or larger cauliflower-like structures.

In this article, we, as the Yaman Surgical Medical Center’s Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, aim to answer the most frequently asked questions about genital warts.

Why Do HPV-Related Warts Form?

One of the most frequently researched topics by patients is the formation of HPV-related warts. As mentioned earlier, warts in the genital area stem from HPV. Among over 200 HPV types, only about 40 can cause warts in the reproductive organs. The most common culprits for sexually transmitted warts are HPV types 6 and 11.

Risk factors for HPV-related warts include:

  • Having multiple sexual partners
  • Engaging in unprotected sexual activity
  • Weakened immune system
  • Initiating sexual activity at a young age, which increases the risk of genital warts.

Symptoms of Genital Warts

As Yaman Surgical Medical Center’s Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, let’s elucidate the symptoms of warts in the genital area:

  • Small-sized, flesh-colored, or pinkish swellings emerge in or around the genital area.
  • Warts can appear on the penis, vagina, vulva, anus, perineum, or their surrounding regions.
  • Multiple warts may be detected grouped in the same or different areas.
  • Warts can manifest in various forms and shapes.
  • Generally, warts are painless, but in some cases, they may cause discomfort. For instance, itching of the warts can be one of these issues.
  • Genital warts might occur after sexual contact and can be associated with sexual intercourse.
  • HPV-related warts can be observed orally in individuals engaging in oral sexual contact, appearing on the tongue or in the mouth.

Symptoms can vary from person to person and depending on the type of HPV. A person with HPV-related warts might not experience any symptoms, or their symptoms may differ. Therefore, seeking consultation at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic is essential in case of any concerns.

Diagnosis of Genital Warts

An Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist typically diagnoses genital warts upon visual inspection. However, in some cases, a biopsy may be necessary. Moreover, the specialist determines risk factors by inquiring about the individual’s sexual history.

In women, genital warts can also appear in the deeper regions of the reproductive organs. Therefore, a pelvic examination by a specialist is essential. During the examination, the doctor uses an acidic solution to facilitate the detection of warts more easily.

Additionally, the Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist may examine the inside of the patient’s vagina using a speculum. Through a method known as the Pap test, the specialist examines tissues between the vagina and the uterus.

While examining with a speculum, the specialist may collect a tissue sample from the cervix. The cells from this sample are evaluated concerning the presence of warts in the genital area. If the doctor detects HPV-infected cells in this tissue, they may conduct more detailed examinations, such as colposcopy.

If the specialist suspects cervical cancer, they may perform an HPV DNA test. This test examines the presence of genetic material related to the HPV virus in the patient’s body.

Treatment of Genital Warts

The primary objective in treating sexually transmitted warts is to alleviate discomfort and reduce the size of the warts. Some patients may report that HPV-related warts do not cause any discomfort. In such cases, these patients may not require treatment. However, they might still experience occasional wart outbreaks.

The most commonly used method for treating genital warts is through creams. Wart creams containing different active ingredients function in various ways. Generally, we treat warts in the genital area as follows:

  • We remove HPV-related warts through surgical methods.
  • We use laser therapy to burn off the lesions.
  • We freeze warts associated with HPV infection using cryotherapy techniques.

If the lesion is inside the patient’s mouth, examination by an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist is necessary.

Do HPV-Related Warts Cause Problems During Pregnancy?

Warts in the reproductive organs generally do not pose an additional issue during pregnancy. Although uncommon, warts could enlarge, potentially causing difficulty in urination. Genital warts that form on the vaginal lips might bleed during childbirth. Additionally, warts on the vaginal wall could prevent the vaginal tissues from stretching during delivery.

In rare cases, a baby born to a mother with HPV-related warts might develop warts in his throat. If such an issue arises, surgical removal of the warts is performed to prevent obstruction in the baby’s airway.

Does the HPV Vaccine Protect Against Genital Warts?

Vaccines are available against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is responsible for various cancers, primarily genital warts and cervical cancer. It’s essential to note that these vaccines offer protection against specific HPV subtypes known to cause cancer. Additionally, there are preventive vaccines available against HPV subtypes that cause genital warts.

HPV vaccines can be administered to individuals up to the age of 45. However, vaccination before the onset of active sexual activity provides better protection. Generally, it’s recommended that both boys and girls receive the HPV vaccine after the age of 9.

This vaccination helps prevent serious conditions such as penile cancer and cervical cancer in the future. Using condoms during sexual intercourse, particularly, reduces the risk of contracting warts.

What is the Genital Warts Treatment Cost?

The cost of treating HPV-related warts can vary based on several factors. Treatment methods, the extent of the warts, and the location where treatment is sought all influence the genital warts treatment price. Generally, treatment options include cryotherapy (freezing warts), chemical treatments for warts, and surgical removal of warts, laser therapy, and medication.

The specialist doctor selects the treatment method based on the location and size of the warts. The chosen treatment method significantly impacts the cost. Additionally, the pricing policy of the preferred hospital and the doctor performing the treatment play a crucial role in determining the cost of HPV-related wart treatment.

You can contact Yaman Surgical Medical Center’s Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic to inquire about the cost of genital warts treatment.


Does HPV Vaccine Protect Against Genital Warts?

The most effective method of protection against sexually transmitted warts is the HPV vaccine. In addition, HPV vaccine provides 100% protection.

What is the Price of Genital Wart Laser Treatment?

When burning HPV-induced warts with laser, attention is paid to the area, size and prevalence of the wart. Accordingly, the price of genital wart treatment is determined. The gynecology and obstetrics clinic of a professional hospital gets effective results by treating the wart with laser.

How Should Sexuality Be After Treatment of Warts in the Genital Area?

You should not have sexual intercourse before getting rid of warts due to HPV infection. In addition, condoms will not provide full protection in the presence of warts in the genital area. It is especially useful to know this: Washing the sexual area and cleaning it with antiseptic does not provide protection against warts due to HPV infection.