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Prominent Ear Surgery in Turkey

In some people, the ears grow steeper out of the head than they should. When we look at these people from the front or back, we see the ears prominently. This condition, which we call prominent ear deformity, is normalized with prominent ear surgery. Our surgeon applies these surgeries, which we also call otoplasty, to his patients except for the early newborn period.

These prominent ears do not have a negative effect on the general functioning of the body. Therefore, we cannot exactly characterize it as a disease. However, people with prominent ears are aesthetically uncomfortable with their ears. For this reason, there are many applicants to our aesthetic surgeon at Yaman Surgical Medical Center. After the surgery, our patients state that they live a better life socially.

What are the Causes of Prominent Ear?

Prominent ear is a congenital problem that is usually associated with family history. People whose parents have prominent ear problems are more likely to have this condition. Due to these genetic factors, prominent ear surgery is required. The genetic factors that cause prominent ears are as follows:

  1. The angle between the bone behind the ear and the auricle is too large.
  2. The ear cartilage has a loose structure.
  3. The natural folds above the ear are not formed and the auricle appears flat.

What Problems Does Prominent Ear Cause?

Prominent ear is a condition that can cause psychological problems. Especially school-age children or adults may experience a lack of self-confidence because of their prominent ears. This ear deformity is perceived as an unwelcome condition in some societies. Therefore, people tend to use accessories or hair extensions to solve this problem. Prominent ear surgery Turkey is an important surgery because prominent ears can lead to the development of complex obsessions.

Prominent ears can be perceived in different ways depending on the society in which the person lives. In Western societies, prominent ears are often the subject of ridicule. This leads to psychological problems such as lack of self-confidence, depression and low self-esteem. As Yaman Surgical Medical Center Plastic Surgery Department, we should state that the prominent ear problem should be corrected with aesthetic surgery at an early age to prevent such social and psychological problems.

How is Prominent Ear Surgery Performed in Turkey?

Prominent ear correction Istanbul is performed as follows:

  • Prominent ear surgery is usually a simple plastic surgery procedure and should be performed by a plastic surgeon under hospital conditions.
  • The surgeon performs prominent ear surgery under general or local anesthesia according to the age of the patient.
  • Depending on the structure of the ear and the severity of the problem, he operates from the front or back of the ear.
  • Cosmetic ear surgery in Turkey takes 45-90 minutes, depending on the condition of the problem.
  • The postoperative healing process usually takes 1-2 weeks and the person can return to their normal life.
  • The incisions made during the surgery usually remain behind the ear and do not cause aesthetic problems.
  • This operation allows the person to have natural and normal-looking ears.

If you are in search of best otoplasty surgeon Turkey, we recommend you to contact Yaman Surgery Medical Center in Istanbul.

Process after Prominent Ear Surgery

After otoplasty surgery, you usually do not experience severe pain and simple painkillers are usually sufficient. After Prominent ear surgery, the bandage on your treated ears will be changed several times during the first week if necessary and then removed. If there are stitches, these will also be removed at the first week check-up.

The surgeon at Yaman Surgical Medical Center advises patients to wear a bandage or headband to keep their ears in the proper position while lying down for the first two weeks continuously, and then for one month.

Post-operative tissue healing is usually completed within two months. However, keep your auricle free from tugging or trauma for six months, especially if the surgeon has shaped the auricle with stitches.

Otoplasty Surgery in Children

If the prominent ear problem is noticed by families or doctors during infancy, some elastic bands are used under the supervision of a doctor. This eliminates the need for surgery in the future.

However, it may also happen that the time to start this preventive treatment is missed or the prominent ear problem is noticed later. In this case, the plastic surgeon will say that surgery is necessary after the examination.

Prominent ear surgery is also performed in adults. With before and after ear surgery photos Turkey, you can examine the successful procedures performed by our surgeon on patients of all ages.

Ear reconstruction in childhood is a more appropriate choice for the psychological and social development of the child. For this reason, the most suitable age range for surgery is usually around 4-6 years old. Since ear development is completed in this period, children with prominent ear problems start their school years in a healthier way.  And the risk of being ridiculed by their friends decreases.

Otoplasty Cost in Turkey

Ear reshaping surgery cost in Istanbul varies greatly depending on the surgical techniques used. So prominent ear surgery prices,

  • Whether the ear deformity is unilateral or bilateral,
  • The presence of additional problems,
  • Condition of the earlobe,
  • And it differs depending on the type of anesthesia used.

During the operation, the earlobe may need to be corrected and a new earlobe may need to be created if necessary. In addition, performing other aesthetic operations at the same time may increase the cost of the surgery.

While local anesthesia can be used in adults, general anesthesia may be required in children, which is also a factor affecting the cost. Affordable otoplasty cost turkey will be determined after the examination, so it is important to be examined by a specialist first.

One of the top ear surgery clinics in Turkey is Yaman Surgical Medical Center. Our health consultants will help you for prominent ear surgery price.


Is Prominent Ear Surgery Turkey Risky?

Otoplasty surgery is in the low-risk group. The most common problems are blood collection and infection in the short term after surgery.

Is There a Non-Surgical Prominent Ear Treatment?

During the first six weeks in the newborn period, the specialist shapes the auricle with bandages or molds. This technique has a chance of achievement in the early period. But it has a very low chance of success after six weeks.

Can You Recommend Top Ear Surgery Clinics in Turkey?

Yaman Surgical Medical Center surgeon is a successful specialist you can choose for otoplasty Istanbul.