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Vaser Liposuction in Turkey

Vaser liposuction in Turkey is a preferred surgical procedure for body contouring. This method has become a more effective and safe surgical application with new technologies and techniques.

With this procedure, the surgeon removes regional fat deposits with the help of thin cannulas. It is also a method that can accompany surgical procedures such as breast aesthetics and tummy tuck operations.

Unlike the traditional liposuction method, we use high frequency sound waves before the vaser lipo procedure. Thus, we separate the fat cells from the fat tissue to which they are attached.  With this method, we turn the fat into a fluid emulsion.

Vaser liposuction in Turkey is a new technology developed to prevent problems such as bleeding, bruising and skin rippling, which are common in other liposuction methods. Therefore, vaser lipo in Istanbul is an advanced, reliable and healthy cosmetic surgery in Turkey.

Comparison of Tumescent Liposuction and Vaser Lipo

Liposuction is a procedure that has been used for many years to surgically remove excess fat from the body. This procedure is performed for body contouring, not for weight loss. Liposuction does not fall under the scope of bariatric surgery and is different from weight loss methods such as gastric sleeve or sleeve gastrectomy.

What is the Tumescent Liposuction?

In traditional liposuction, the surgeon injects a special solution into the fatty area.  This solution helps break down the fat and turns it into a liquid. Afterwards, the surgeon makes small incisions in the area where fat removal will be performed.

Cannulas with a diameter of approximately 2-6 mm, connected to the vacuum device with transparent hoses, are placed under the skin. The fat, which is broken down by the vacuum device, is absorbed until the desired body shape is achieved.

What is the Vaser Liposuction?

Vaser liposuction in Turkey fat cells are released in single, double, triple groups. You can think of these groups like the seeds of a grape. During the operation, the surgeon sends sound waves with a specific frequency to the fat. Thus, it does not damage connective tissue, vessels and nerves.

One of the vaser liposuction clinics in Turkey is Yaman Surgical Medical Center. And Yaman Surgical Medical Center surgeon prefers ultrasonic liposuction as body contouring in Turkey. This is because it does not damage the tissue. As a result, thanks to the advancing technology and liposuction alternatives. We apply the vaser lipo method to suitable patients in addition to classical liposuction and laser liposuction and non-surgical fat removal method.

Vaser Lipo Results

 Can I gain weight again after vaser liposuction in Turkey? These are among the most frequently asked questions about medical tourism in Turkey. After the age of sixteen, the number of fat cells in our body does not increase; weight gain occurs when the volume of existing fat increases. With vaser lipo, fat cells in the treated areas decrease, so even if you gain weight in the future due to irregular eating habits, the advantage remains as the number of fat cells in those areas has decreased.

Individuals with irregular eating habits and those who do not pay attention to their diet may gain weight after vaser liposuction in Turkey. However, it is not accurate to claim that after this procedure, you will no longer gain weight, no matter what you do.

Nevertheless, weight gain would be distributed evenly across all areas of your body. Therefore, if you maintain regular eating habits and avoid excess, you can continue to have a shapely, healthy, and fit appearance.

Is Vaser Liposuction Performed under General Anesthesia?

We typically prefer general anesthesia, especially when working on larger areas like the abdomen, back, love handles, legs, chin, and others simultaneously in vaser lipo procedures. However, for smaller and more localized areas, alternatives such as sedation and regional anesthesia can also be considered.

Before undergoing the vaser liposuction in Turkey surgery, there are important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided.
  • Ideally, blood-thinning medications should be discontinued one week before the vaser liposuction operation, but ideally three weeks in advance. These medications have anticoagulant effects, so they should be avoided before surgery.
  • Additionally, due to their blood-thinning effects, herbal teas, vitamin E, and certain vitamin derivatives should not be consumed.
  • Routine blood tests will be requested by your surgeon in vaser liposuction consultation.
  • If you have any underlying medical conditions, necessary tests and consultations will be conducted.
  • Before the vaser liposuction in Turkey, stop intake solid food and liquid at least 8 hour.

Can Vaser Lipo be combined with Cosmetic Surgeries?

Vaser lipo surgeries can be combined with procedures such as breast cosmetic surgeries, facelift, tummy tuck, and more. Moreover, this is because ultrasonic liposuction preserves the structure of the extracted fat cells, when these cells are strategically injected into areas of need. And the longevity of the results can reach up to 80%.

For example, when performed alongside breast implant surgery, the fat removed through vaser liposuction in Turkeycan be utilized to enhance breast contours. One of the vaser liposuction benefits is to smooth the transition between breast implants and surrounding tissues. It also provides additional volume in the desired areas.

Vaser Liposuction Prices in Turkey

It is possible to have the body shape you dream of with ultrasonic liposuction in Yaman Surgical Medical Center Istanbul. Our professional surgeon and his team apply vaser liposuction operations in our hospitals. Vaser liposuction cost in Turkey varies according to the procedure to be used and performed.

Sometimes the region where the operation is applied also affects the vaser liposuction price.  You can explore vaser liposuction reviews for the surgeries performed within Yaman Surgical Medical Center. You can also have information about vaser liposuction before and after results. If you are suffering from regional adiposity, contact our clinic within the scope of vaser liposuction in Turkey.


Is a Corset Necessary after Vaser Liposuction?

If you want to get a tight and natural look, it is useful to use a medical corset for 2-3 weeks.

Does Vaser Liposuction in Turkey Cause Pain?

You will not feel pain during and after the procedure. Your doctor will prescribe painkillers for pain caused by trauma.

How long does Vaser Lipo Surgery Take?

The duration varies according to the procedure to be performed. However, it generally takes 1 or 2 hours.

Does Vaser Liposuction Leave Scars?

Since we use ultrasonic sound waves, there is minimal surgical intervention. There are no obvious scars after surgery.